
Mayanur Check Dam Project-Construction of barrage across the River Cauvery. Mayanur Karur District.

Mayanur Check Dam Project-Construction of barrage across the River Cauvery. Mayanur Karur District.
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Mayanur Check Dam Project-Construction of barrage across the River Cauvery. Mayanur Karur District.

Preliminary Notification was published u/s.11(1) of The Right To Fair Compensation And Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation And Resettlement Act 2013 (Central Act 30 of 2013 and State Land Acquisition Rules 2017). Notification regarding Errata for Preliminary Notification u/s 11(1) of RFCTLATRR act, Published in District Collector, Karur Notice Roc. C2/17641/2008 Dated. 9.11.2023

10/11/2023 10/11/2024 View (361 KB)